
Maxwell Huang

Maxwell Huang


Maxwell is a senior at Nobles who has been involved with Model UN since eighth grade. He is looking forward to seeing delegates give speeches and engage in debates about the important questions of our generation. When he isn't writing resolutions, Maxwell can be found running cross-country, competing in Parliamentary debate, or playing the piano or saxophone.

Simon Juknelis

Simon Juknelis


Simon is a senior at Noble and Greenough School who has been participating in Model UN since 7th grade. He is looking forward to seeing how delegates use their creativity to overcome the complicated balances of power behind each of the complex committee topics at NGMUN. Outside of MUN, he does competitive programming and leads Nobles' robotics team.

Alan Cai

Alan Cai


Alan is a senior at Noble and Greenough School and first started doing Model UN in 7th grade. Alan has participated in NGMUN since freshman year, and this year, Alan is excited to chair the Commission on Narcotic Drugs. Alan can't wait to see both new and experienced delegates bring thoughtful and dynamic debate to committee. More importantly, Alan hopes that all delegates have fun and enjoy themselves during the conference! Outside of NGMUN, Alan has also judged several parliamentary debates, regularly attends Model UN conferences and parliamentary debates, writes for the school paper, runs the Public Health Club and the Politics Club, and enjoys playing hockey and piano.

Max Daniello

Max Daniello

Chief of Staff

Max is a senior at Nobles and this is his fourth year being a part of NGMUN. He has been doing Model UN since seventh grade and his favorite conference was a crisis committee that took place 100 years after a nuclear war. When he isn’t at conferences solving word issues, Max is running cross country, filmmaking for the school paper, and is the leader of the Improv Club at Nobles.

Crisis Committees

Morgan Gibson

Morgan Gibson

Crisis Director

Morgan is a junior at Noble and Greenough and has been participating in MUN and NGMUN since Freshman year. With her love for crisis committees Morgan cannot wait to see what creative arcs the delegates concoct. Outside of MUN Morgan plays soccer, wrestles, coxes participates in Mock Trial, and loves to read.

CC: English Civil War

Colin Levine

Colin Levine


Colin is a senior at Noble and Greenough School. He is passionate about politics, language, and philosophy, and particularly enjoys partaking in Model UN and debate. He aspires to work in the U.S. State Department and spring from there to represent PA-17. In Colin’s free time, he loves to study languages and history.

Rohin Pinisetti

Rohin Pinisetti


CC: Australian Emu War

Kate Wei

Kate Wei


Kate is a senior at Noble and Greenough School and began attending Model UN conferences as a freshman. She is excited for a fun conference full of engaging debate and negotiation and can't wait to see everyone in committee! Outside of MUN, Kate participates in debate and Science Olympiad, runs cross country, and rows for the crew team.

Lara Sahagun

Lara Sahagun


Lara is a sophomore at Noble and Greenough School, and has engaged in MUN since the eighth grade. She enjoys examining how opposing parties can level with one another to achieve completely different solutions based upon their rhetoric, elocution, adaptability, and understanding of one another. Outside of NGMUN, she can be found playing tennis, reading up on philosophy, and learning new languages and explaining why that makes her better than everyone else.

CC: Golden Age of Piracy

Angie Feng

Angie Feng


Angie is a senior at Noble and Greenough School where she started Model UN in her freshman year. This will be her fourth year assisting in NGMUN and her third year chairing. Aside from MUN, Angie participates in the Nobles cross country, squash, and crew teams. She enjoys playing the french horn and loves to hang out with her dog Colby! Angie is especially interested in the intersections of international relations and computer science as well as human rights. She looks forward to meeting everyone in April and is excited for committee!

Bella Kong

Bella Kong


Bella is a sophomore at the Noble and Greenough School, and she has been involved in Model UN since 7th grade. She is thrilled to be co-chairing the crisis committee on the Golden Age of Piracy. Aside from Model UN, she enjoys playing the piano, participating in Mock Trial, acting in the Nobles fall play, coxing the Nobles crew team, and playing with her dog Mochi. She looks forward to meeting everyone!

UNHCR: Syrian Refugee Crisis

Shrisay Reddy

Shrisay Reddy


Shrisay is a senior at Noble and Greenough School. He is passionate about Model United Nations and especially enjoys working with other delegates to craft resolutions. Outside of MUN, he acts in the fall mainstage play. He looks forward to meeting everyone in April for an exciting conference and committee!

Eli Schotland

Eli Schotland


Eli is a junior at Nobles who has been doing MUN since Middle School. He enjoys the lively debate and intellectual discussion that come with Model UN, and he looks forward to seeing what delegates will bring this year. In his spare time, Eli likes to study history and go sailing.

SOCHUM: Uyghur Muslims in China

Arthi Vithiananthan

Arthi Vithiananthan


Arthi is a junior at Noble and Greenough School. She was first immersed in Model UN and Debate in her freshman year, and her love for conferences grew exponentially throughout the year. She appreciates the fast-paced nature of committee sessions and the innovative thinking required to excel within the MUN world. She is thrilled to be a Chair of a crisis committee at NGMUN VI and is looking forward to being a part of the conference again this year. Outside of MUN and debate, Arthi spends her time writing for Nobles’ publications, playing volleyball, and picking up hobbies such as learning the guitar and solving Rubik’s cubes.

Teja Hanumolu

Teja Hanumolu


Teja is a sophomore at the Noble and Greenough School. He was first introduced to Model UN in Middle School and quickly developed a passion for its fast-paced and thinking-on-the-spot nature. This was furthered when he joined high school, as he learned about crisis committees and the wide range of topics conferences have to offer. He is extremely excited to Co-Chair in his first NGMUN and engage in thoughtful and thorough debate. More importantly, he hopes that every ambassador has fun and comes out learning something new. Outside of Model UN, Teja can be found playing basketball, golfing, or attending various clubs.

Commission on Narcotic Drugs: Fentanyl Crisis

Alan Cai

Alan Cai


Alan is a senior at Noble and Greenough School and first started doing Model UN in 7th grade. Alan has participated in NGMUN since freshman year, and this year, Alan is excited to chair the Commission on Narcotic Drugs. Alan can't wait to see both new and experienced delegates bring thoughtful and dynamic debate to committee. More importantly, Alan hopes that all delegates have fun and enjoy themselves during the conference! Outside of NGMUN, Alan has also judged several parliamentary debates, regularly attends Model UN conferences and parliamentary debates, writes for the school paper, runs the Public Health Club and the Politics Club, and enjoys playing hockey and piano.

Seynabou Seck

Seynabou Seck


Seynabou is a freshman at Nobles and has been doing Model UN since 7th grade. Seynabou participated in NGMUN in her 8th grade year. Seynabou can’t wait to be a co-chair of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs. Seynabou is so excited to see delegated debate such an interesting topic! Apart from Model UN, Seynabou plays soccer, basketball, and loves taking walks in Boston during the holiday season!